Learn more while reading less

Get AI summary from any article, YouTube or
TED video with the AI-first read-it-later app.

Coming out soon on iOS & Android.

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Android read-it-later list
Device frame
Wisdom of ai summary
Device frame

More than just an AI summary

With the wisdom of AI, you get summaries that are
both time-saving and insightful

  • AI summary example 1
    Device frame
  • AI summary example 2
    Device frame
  • AI summary example 3
    Device frame
  • Hack the time

    You decide how long to spend on each material.
    Save x3 of your time on read-it-later list.

  • Reveal key insights

    Get all the valuable insights from any material.
    Not just a summary of what it is about. No fluff.

  • Truly read-it-later flow

    Enough of reading lists that never become empty.
    Enjoy distract-free and rewarding reading.

    • Save any material to read-later list
      Device frame

      Save in a click

      Easily save any worth-reading material with a browser extension, share menu on your phone or inside the app.

    • Flow of summarizing material
      Device frame

      Read in a flow

      Continuously read concise and short AI summaries of all saved materials without any distractions and unnecessary moves.

    • Reward after reading AI summary
      Device frame

      Catch zen

      Finally, reward yourself with an empty read-it-later list and enrich your wisdom day by day.

    We answer your questions

    Centered Image Link

    Read-it-later lists are reimagined. Get it first, samurai.

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    This is what the server says:
    There must be an @ at the beginning.
    I will retry

    Behind the scenes 🤫

    Follow our journey of building the best read-it-later experience for modern digital life.